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The current energy situation: the "crises" in the "machine"

the international financial crisis spread to more extensive, deep impact, diffusion speed, exceeding expectations. Financial crisis on China's energy sector has brought serious challenges, but also provided a rare opportunity to adjust. National Development and Reform Commission deputy director, National Energy Secretary Zhang recently wrote for the newspaper "The current energy situation: the" crises "in the" machine "" Analysis of the article (see full text of this newspaper today, 6th edition), depth analysis of the energy industry faces a new situation and new challenges, and our current and future energy strategy.

Zhang in the article pointed out, should co-ordinate the planning, of the "crises" as the "machine", turn pressure into motivation to continue to promote the scientific development of China's energy industry in order to maintain steady and rapid economic development to provide a solid energy security.

Zhang believes that the financial crisis, China's sharp decline in energy demand. Electricity demand, for example, in October 2008 monthly electricity consumption fell 3.7%, is the first time since 1999, monthly electricity consumption fell, while the November monthly electricity consumption decrease of 8.6% year on year. A decline in energy demand for a comprehensive down the price chain reaction, and this decline is accelerating. But he also pointed out that the financial crisis and energy shortages have eased, has been very taut coal, electricity, oil and transportation conflicts greatly eased, as the energy industry, "recuperate", to resolve some contradictions important opportunity provided .

Zhang believes that to increase the "short plate", "event of default, type", "adjustable" energy infrastructure investment, enhance capacity for sustainable development of energy industries and the economic and social development support capabilities. To be significant in optimizing the energy structure, promote nuclear power Xiangmu obvious effect, wind Dian projects and large-scale coalmines, Guanxiquanju He Strategic Anquan of coal, electricity, oil, gas Kua Quyushusong channel construction, oil, uranium Deng Tian Ran strategic materials reserve facilities, and rural power grids, urban power grids, urban gas pipe network, increase investment. At the same time continue to increase the electric power industry, "the scale of paper" strength; promote integration of coal resources; actively accelerate the development of nuclear power; vigorously develop renewable energy; nurturing group of large energy companies.

Zhang also said that energy companies to support the use of overseas energy resources and to develop overseas markets. Full advantage of the current international financial crisis, economic recession and weak energy market favorable opportunity, increase with energy producing countries and neighboring countries in energy cooperation efforts. Use of international market prices down time, increasing imports of oil and gas resources; strengthen the strategic reserves of energy resources. Encourage enterprises to use idle commercial storage capacity and increase oil reserves. The establishment of strategic energy supplies but also other government reserves and corporate reserves.

Zhang pointed out that coal prices actually there is a "market price of thermal coal and coal contract price asynchronous co-exist," the dual system. The consumer price index (CPI) of the downward trend of energy resources and international bulk commodity prices down, to further improve the coal price market mechanism, straighten out the relationship between coal and electricity prices, business conditions to improve the power generation industry, providing the possibility and space.

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